4th time in a row Microsoft has given me the MVP award. Even though I personally feel I haven’t been on the edge of things as in the previous years, I know I have been doing my best the past year to share my knowledge and experience and bother Microsoft enough. Having been engaged primarily with a dev team at an end-user clearly got me off-edge, not saying that it hasn’t been worthwhile as it clearly was, not in the least due to the people I have been working with, but also the change of perspective. Thanx, guys!
I surely haven’t been writing a lot recently having been very busy with different projects like SEPA updates, conducting and organizing course, the Dutch Dynamics Community, TFS consulting, etc. And of course, trying to balance it all with the rest of daily live, which continues to be challenge for me.
A big hand to all who have been part of this all and supported me very well.
Just read that "Today, 966 exemplary community leaders around the world were notified that they have received the MVP Award!"
@Dennis / Gunnar / Natalie: thanx!