Like me, you might have been watching the RoleTailoring Microsoft Dynamics NAV recordings I pointed to some weeks ago and although most of it was very familiar “Laurel & Hardy” did surprise me with some tricks I hadn’t known so far. Of course next to the fact that I value these recordings as very informative and instructive.
However, I thought these tricks were too obvious and probably all you out there knew them long before I did. Well, not really. Sitting down with two friends and former MS colleagues after our successful annual DDC event, we some how got into browsing through the RTC. Don’t ask me why or how, but I do recall the wine was good and already past midnight. And it appeared one of these obvious tricks, wasn’t that obvious.
Did you watch the Efficient navigation recording?
If you didn’t, go to 3:20 and see for yourself. A simple and easy way to add any list place from the departments to your navigation pane.
Indeed list place as it is not possible to do this for other pages.
thanx for coming around making me aware of your blog too!