How-to: Change the CustomSettings.config file – Windows 7

Yesterday I wanted to check something on RTC when I got this message:

Microsoft Dynamics NAV
The Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server cannot connect the Change Listener to SQL Server because of the following error: Cannot open database “Demo Database NAV (6-0)” requested by the login. The login failed.

Login failed for user ‘NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE’.

[I pasted the text as uploading a screen shot threw an error.]

I recalled I recently had renamed the w1 Demo Database NAV (6-0) on my SQL Server to Demo Database NAV (6-0) W1 to discriminate it from the other, local databases I had also attached. All because I had migrated my stuff from my old laptop running XP to a new one running Windows 7

Getting the message it struck my mind that I apparently had forgotten to update the CustomSettings.config then. So I browsed to C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\60\Service, opened CustomSettings.config and searched for the attribute:

<add key=”DatabaseName value=”Demo Database NAV (6-0)“/>
    Name of the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance to connect to (for client) or listen on (for server).

… and changed Demo Database NAV (6-0) to Demo Database NAV (6-0) W1, closed the file, selected Save in the dialog and … wasn’t allowed to save it. “What the h…?” But … end of the day, so I stopped: “Tomorrow another day.”

So today I had once again the chance to take advantage of these great forums on (o.a.) and [Y]

I typed in CustomSettings.config and found this post that helped me out. As, on Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2, you cannot save the file directly you have to save a copy in a user directory, change it and then copy it back to the original directory “as administrator”.

I thought I already had done that trick, guys, but apparently hadn’t, so thank you very much for sharing this information. [Y]

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