.. not a “normal” release … beware!, Waldo informed us on his blog almost 2 weeks ago.
This post is just to add some info on the things I encountered today. No big issues (so far), but some minor, mainly translation matters.
Comparing R2 NL with NAV 2009 SP1 NL showed me that:
- For what ever reason the ENU term No. Series has now been wrongly translated to NLD Nr.-reeksen after ages of right translation; i.e. Nr.-reeks
This affects the following table objects:TAB17 TAB210 TAB5621 TAB5994 TAB18 TAB232 TAB5625 TAB7309 TAB21 TAB233
TAB23 TAB234 TAB5050 TAB7311 TAB25 TAB236
TAB27 TAB237 TAB5109 TAB7316 TAB32 TAB246
TAB37 TAB270 TAB5620 TAB7322 TAB38 TAB277
TAB77 TAB281 TAB5633 TAB7333 TAB81 TAB295
TAB82 TAB297 TAB5635 TAB7342 TAB83 TAB302
TAB88 TAB304 TAB6660 TAB11400 TAB89 TAB308
TAB110 TAB370 TAB5740 TAB11000000 TAB112 TAB382
TAB114 TAB751 TAB5746 TAB99000758 TAB120 TAB753
TAB122 TAB5071 TAB5900 TAB99000771 TAB124 TAB5076
TAB156 TAB5080 TAB5940 TAB99000786 TAB167 TAB5092
TAB169 TAB5097 TAB5965 TAB99008500 TAB203 TAB5200
TAB206 TAB5405 TAB5970 TAB99008505 TAB207 TAB5600
TAB209 TAB5601 TAB5992 .., and next to that MEN10 and MEN1010.
- Same applies with respect to the ENU noun View. Until R2 this rightly translated to the NLD noun Weergave. With R2 this has been wrongly translated to the NLD verb Weergeven.
FOR521 PAG11407 PAG11000000 PAG11000016 FOR8710 PAG11412 PAG11000002 PAG11000017 PAG521 PAG11413 PAG11000004 PAG8710 PAG11415 PAG11000006 PAG11406 PAG11418 PAG11000012 BTW: This reminds of the first translation we got after the MS take over of Navision, when all of a sudden the ENU adjective Open was translated to the NLD verb Openen instead of the NLD adjective Open.
- In Report 5606 the ENU term Total is no longer translated to NLD Totaal, but seems to have been copied straight from the ENU caption: Total. Yes, we have Total fuel stations, but apart from that total is non NLD.
- For another obscure reason the following objects have an updated object Date, i.e. it has been set to 11-12-10 (dd-mm-yy), without any other changes to these objects:
COD11402 FOR11000000 TAB11407 TAB2000000072 COD11000004 FOR11000002 TAB11411 TAB2000000073 COD11000007 FOR11000004 TAB11000005 TAB2000000074 COD11000008 FOR11000006 TAB11000008 TAB2000000075 COD11000009 FOR11000012 TAB11000009 TAB2000000076 FOR11406 FOR11000016 TAB2000000065 TAB2000000078 FOR11407 FOR11000017 TAB2000000066 TAB2000000079 FOR11412 MEN10 TAB2000000067 TAB2000000080 FOR11413 MEN1010 TAB2000000068 TAB2000000203 FOR11415 REP11000003 TAB2000000069 FOR11418 TAB11405 TAB2000000071
Next to these two errors I stumbled over two other issues:
- In Reports 11401 and 11402 the ENU term parcel(s) used to be translated to NLD collo/colli.With R2 this has simplified to Colli.
- In Codeunits 5813, 5814, 5815, 5816 and 5818 a grammatical error was fixed: ENU undo was erroneously translated as NLD ongendaan and should have been ongedaan. This has been corrected.
But … I am not sure if I do understand the translation of the full text constant:
ENU=Undo quantity posting…-> NLD=Aantal boeken ongedaan maken…’
… as NLD Aantal boeken seems to me wrong.
This altogether makes me wonder if other local version suffer from the same kind of issues.
Update 2011-01-27
- Have a look at COD5056: both Date and Version List have been updated, but only one empty line has been removed for code!
- And what to think about COD99008517. This does not makes sense to me:
- Another ‘nice’ one: PAG64 (note that the Version List has not been changed):
Update 2011-01-28
- Another very useful (but not) caption change in TAB277:
- And TAB7701 (Dutch caption have now turned into English – similar issue on TAB7700):
Thanx Peter for sharing!