How-to: Jump to a Function from C/AL Globals

Pentecost weekend. Finally I have moved somewhat out of the razzle-dazzle of months passed. Glad I succeeded to have planned Friday off, going to the hockey World Cup in The Hague. Sit, simmer (in the sun) and shout. And I don’t care about all those Canadians thinking this is not hockey. Probably they never achieved something in this sport. [H]

So here is me picking up blogging again. Haven’t been doing that a lot lately and can’t say my list of subjects diminished. You know it’s not only time that helps this list to grow. Performing C/SIDE courses, which I have been doing a lot lately, typically contributes to it also. Sitting in one room with NAV pros, independent of their experience level, always brings useful thing “on the table”. Just like this undocumented feature: jump to a function. Never had been aware of it myself for the 15 years working with NAV now. Or has it been added only recently? Still never to old to learn. [;)]

OK, I find myself inside a C/SIDE object looking a the list of user-defined functions on the C/AL Globals window.

Now I want to jump right to this function, taken CheckBlockedCustOnDocs in Table 18 as our example. I can make use of the Go To Defintion functionality right clicking my mouse.

This works great and it will bring focus to the C/AL Editor window. But you know, probably I am old fashioned, but the lesser I can use my mouse the more I prefer it. Hence instead of using the mouse it turns out that clicking the F9 key achieves the same.

One Comment

  1. Hi Alastair, thanx for the addition. So clearly the F9 is linked to the Go To Definition functionality.

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