NAV2013 Glance 12: GetUidOffset Just Left The Room

WHAT? Didn’t he wait for me and ask whether he could leave?

This is hurting us truly. This morning I stumbled across this topic in the Developer and IT Pro Help for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 (Beta) informing me (in my words) that GetUidOffset function in codeunit 1 has been replaced by the Start ID (UidOffset) option on the Alter Database window. This means that the UidOffset is now managed by setup instead of code. Which as such isn’t a bad thing at all. In every customer database we can now easily control this offset, but being a development organization having standard products, using an external source control system and having developers do their work in local databases and sync their code on a regular base with this source control system we have to trust that every developer has setup his development environment (i.e. NAV installation) the same way. Having the GetUidOffset function in codeunit 1 that each developer fetches form the same source control system ensures (to a much higher degree) that they are all using the right offset.

But of course: it could be only us getting hurt by this change. Nevertheless I posted the issue on connect to get the GetUidOffset function back again and let it co-exist with the Start ID (UidOffset) option, where an implemented GetUidOffset function will overrule the Start ID (UidOffset) option. If you also still need it go out there and give your vote to it.


  1. @Reijer: the full extend of that is becoming clearer step by step to me. I guess I am a bit slow at that 😉

    But this one is hurting us way deep.

  2. Feedback from MS (on connect entry):

    This is indeed an unfortunate side effect of us prohibiting the execution of AL in C/SIDE. Setting the value as a database option is a temporary fix until we're able to fully move the development environment to the RTC.

    It does mean it's like that for 7 but I hope we can get going on the new replacements soon. Sorry for the inconvenience

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