As I am preparing some RTC demos I had been roaming around on Partner Source for some good ideas and had a look at the demo scripts. I down loaded various of them including some PowerPoint presentations like the Introduction to NAV 2009 PPT. The link says it’s a .pptx file, but once down loaded it shows as Opening this .zip file I found myself looking at a whole bunch of files:
So what to do with that? [*-)]
As I recalled it was not the first time I ran into this issue so I logged an incident on it and within 24 hours I did get the .pptx file! And this morning I even received a second one through another MS channel. The latter also explained what I could have done myself:
You can simply rename the file extension that you downloaded on Partner Source (from .ZIP to .PPTX) and you will be able to open it with Microsoft Office PowerPoint.
I had tried a similar thing, but on the some of the files in the .zip file, not the .zip file itself.
As said before: a child can do the laundry! [H]
Probably this applies to many more files on both Partner and Customer Source. I wonder why MS does not use the .pptx extension for these files or writes some kind of instruction for the user that she knows. Or am I the only blond guy? [8-|]
I have never dived into PowerPoint file formats, but seeing this should I consider a .pptx file being indeed some kind of .zip file?
So my gut feeling was right. Thanx Valentin for this confirmation (and also the extension to other 'office' formats).
Arend-Jan: of course also thanx! Your comment was not published yet when I was reading Valentin's comment.
Well, start learning more of these Dutchisms:
No problem. They all can join me on Xmas!