Have a look at these code samples and tell me where a compound statement, i.e. BEGIN-END, should be constructed to get the code work right.
Just dare without going into NAV and verify. [8-|]
Sample 1
2. SalesCommentLine.SETRANGE(“No.”,SalesQHeader.”No.”);
3. WHILE SalesCommentLine.FIND(‘-‘) DO
4. SalesCommentLine.DELETE;
5. SalesCommentLine.”Document Type” := SalesOrderHeader.”Document Type”;
6. SalesCommentLine.”No.” := SalesOrderHeader.”No.”;
7. SalesCommentLine.INSERT;
Sample 2
2. FiscalYearEndDate := CALCDATE(‘<-1D>’,AccountingPer2.”Starting Date”);
3. AccountingPer3 := AccountingPer2;
4. AccountingPer2.SETRANGE(“New Fiscal Year”);
5. AccountingPer2.FIND(‘<‘)
7. ERROR(Text001);
Sample 3
2. “Action Taken”::Won:
3. IF Opp.GET(“Opportunity No.”) THEN
4. SalesQuoteEnable := Opp.”Sales Document No.” <> ”;
5. “Action Taken”::Lost:
6. CalcdCurrentValueLCYEnable := FALSE;
7. SalesQuoteEnable := FALSE;
8. END;
Sample 4
2. ‘stringitemtype’,’string’:
3. “Source Type” := “Source Type”::Description;
4. ‘monetaryitemtype’:
5. “Source Type” := “Source Type”::”General Ledger”;
6. ‘decimalitemtype’:
7. “Source Type” := “Source Type”::Constant;
8. ‘sharesitemtype’ :
9. “Source Type” := “Source Type”::Constant;
10. ‘uriitemtype’:
11. “Source Type” := “Source Type”::Description;
12. ‘tupletype’:
13. “Source Type” := “Source Type”::Tuple;
14. ELSE
15. “Source Type” := “Source Type”::”Not Applicable”;
16. IF “XBRL Item Type” <> ” THEN
17. Description := STRSUBSTNO(Text007,”XBRL Item Type”);
18. END;
Sample 5
2. IF “Resource No.” <> ” THEN
3. IF ResJnlTemplate.Recurring THEN BEGIN
4. TESTFIELD(“Recurring Method”);
5. TESTFIELD(“Recurring Frequency”);
6. IF “Recurring Method” = “Recurring Method”::Variable THEN
7. TESTFIELD(Quantity);
9. TESTFIELD(“Recurring Method”,0);
10. TESTFIELD(“Recurring Frequency”,”0DF”);
11. END;
For reference I have added numbers to each code line. Please use it as follows: if in case in Sample 2 the BEGIN should be added to line 2 and it’s balancing END to line 4, you could suffice with writing Sample 2 – line2/line4.
Hi Bodo,
Have to admit you're right, even though I am not found of "ever using BEGIN/END". 😉
I guess you are not going to try to answer? 😎
b rg