So today I sat down to get things prepared for my session at Directions EMEA 2014, next week. Not in the least because this week I had to install a new laptop, hence having to let go of everything that was there and proofed working alright at Directions US. Indeed somewhat tricky. [^o)]
Luckily everything got installed well and working, earlier on this week. Nothing really to worry about. NAV 2015 RTM NL was running and now I wanted to get a W1 database to put my things in. Having the W1 DVD at hand only a matter of restoring the Demo Database NAV (8-0).bak file, and renaming the database name and file names. This in order to discriminate between the various country versions (which MS be default always name Demo Database NAV (version)) and projects I am using c.q. working on. Therefor I decided to call my database: Demo Database NAV (8-0) – Directions EMEA, likewise I had done for Directions US.
Connected my NAV 2015 Development client and service tier to this database. And … couldn’t get the the windows client work. Quite fast I realised I had to get some things set on the account that is running my service tier: NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE.
- map it to this database and
- mark the dd_datareader, db_datawriter and db_ddladmin roles
Restart the service and …
… open the windows client again, I wanted to say.
Holy cow. My license not compatible? My mind started running, trying to unnerve myself.
- Got one from MS before Directions US and was working right … then … two weeks ago
- Did work last Tuesday when I had reinstalled everything on the new laptop
- By all means, it worked this morning
Upload the license to the database? Nope, no use. Ask MS for a license update? Might, but will take too much time. Would it work with the other NAV 2015 databases on my SQL Server (see screen shot)? Yes, it does! With the same license!
Am I being fooled somehow? Well, it seems to be.
I recon that, when I named my database Demo Database NAV (8-0) – Directions EMEA, your mind was triggered. Mine was somehow, but I decided to disregard it. I shouldn’t.
Once I had changed the name to Demo Database NAV (8-0) D-EMEA everything worked fine.
What the ****, “this license is not compatible with this version of Microsoft Dynamics NAV”?
A to-the-point message would have made it surely easier for me, mister MS.
BTW: Should the name be less than 30 characters? Is that the rule? No, time to figure that out now.
Added 2014-10-07
For those who would like NAV to be enhanced to get a meaningful message, please vote on msconnect: go here.
True, Kasper, but I didn't have to. As I described it didn't have anything to do with my license,i t was the database name. The message was very misleading.
Strange behaviors.
Thanx for sharing Hassan.
Thanx for sharing Jonatan.
Thanx for sharing Andy and Martin!