Browsing through msconnect I stumbled across one of my entries: Remove COMMIT from a number of Codeunits. A perfect member of my Cleanup series. Small, but as we started to “clean up” let’s pick up this one too. If you agree go there and give your vote.
Join the Clean Team! [8-|] Welcome to my fellow MVP Alain Krikilion, aka Kriki, who also clearly wants to clean up as you can read below. Let’s kriki up NAV! In the database properties of NAV, on the Options tab, there is the toggle Torn Page Detection. In SQL2000 this option…
Once I start to clean up … I can’t stop I guess. So here’s more that still resides in C/SIDE and has become totally obsolete (the following table is an excerpt from Changes in C/AL Behavior and Support from Earlier Versions of Microsoft Dynamics NAV): Function Change COMMANDLINE Not supported…
With RTC all of a sudden, so it seemed to many, AltSearchField was not working anymore. Complaints abundant as probably the same ‘many’ hadn’t learned about the new dropdown list yet. You know that list defined by the FieldGroup property on a table. Meanwhile this dropdown list has become a common…
As Mark started to set the pace, I am following up on this with my list of small enhancements that could easily be picked up in the next release. Let’s clean up NAV from obsolete remnants. I just call this post #1 even though I am totally unaware how many…