Tag: NAV 2013
Recordings of NAV TechDays 2012 are now available!
On NAV 2013 Licenses – Part 1 | Add-on Ranges
C/AL Testability Survey
NAV2013 Glance 15: Well ……
NAV2013 Glance 14: Post Code functionality
NAV2013 Glance 13: More Fields That Have Been Stretched
NAV2013 Glance 12: GetUidOffset Just Left The Room
NAV2013 Glance 11: LookupFormID, DrillDownFormID, RunFormLink, RunFormView, RunFormLink, SubFormView, SubFormLink, CardFormID
So what do all these properties have in common in the NAV 2013 context? LookupFormID DrillDownFormID RunFormLink RunFormView RunFormLink SubFormView SubFormLink CardFormID Well … you might have seen or guessed. They no longer exist now that we fully move to pages. With this move all form related matters have been…
NAV2013 Glance 10: No. Series NLD Translation Errancy Corrected
Recordings of NAV TechDays 2012 are now available!
On NAV 2013 Licenses – Part 1 | Add-on Ranges
C/AL Testability Survey
NAV2013 Glance 15: Well ……
NAV2013 Glance 14: Post Code functionality
NAV2013 Glance 13: More Fields That Have Been Stretched
NAV2013 Glance 12: GetUidOffset Just Left The Room
NAV2013 Glance 11: LookupFormID, DrillDownFormID, RunFormLink, RunFormView, RunFormLink, SubFormView, SubFormLink, CardFormID

So what do all these properties have in common in the NAV 2013 context? LookupFormID DrillDownFormID RunFormLink RunFormView RunFormLink SubFormView SubFormLink CardFormID Well … you might have seen or guessed. They no longer exist now that we fully move to pages. With this move all form related matters have been…