Summer vacation season on the Northern hemisphere, but also the preamble to the conference season: Directions EMEA 2015, in Mannheim, Germany Directions 2015 in Orlando, US NAV TechDays 2015 in Antwerp, Belgium And we have been working hard to get TFS on the agenda, and we got it there … So go…
Next to the various roles I have been “playing” since I entered the Dynamics world in 1999 a major one is my involvement in the education of my professional fellow (wo)men and of course, and not in the least, myself. As the products keep on evolving there is a never…
Did you read about this master class already? You should, so continue as it is really worthwhile as it discusses Dynamics NAV at a meta level bringing more structure to your understanding of it. And yes, even for those who have been working with NAV for ages already. We’re never too…
I don’t know. Maybe it’s just me. Every once in a while, when writing, I get lost in spelling out right the word(s) I am writing. My mind somehow blocks and doesn’t do what it normally does automatically. Just like this week, when I needed to translate some captions. More…
While performing a C/SIDE development training – like I am doing right now at Housing in Ljubljana, Slovenia – I am always searching the internet for articles. To provide my students with articles that complement the standard resources and training material. But often, and not in the least, as an…
CompGeek (Arjan van de Logt) has been around in the Dynamics world for quite some time. So like many of us he's got enough "powder to fire a gun". But as modest as he is never wanted, needed, could, … Luckily he "finally" found a good reason to start writing:…
Did you read Soren’s last post? You should as it contains a worthwhile standpoint regarding commenting code. And it’s down right clear that Soren abhors commenting code. Even that much that he doesn’t allow me putting a comment to his post! So here I am ending up on my own blog…
With RTC all of a sudden, so it seemed to many, AltSearchField was not working anymore. Complaints abundant as probably the same ‘many’ hadn’t learned about the new dropdown list yet. You know that list defined by the FieldGroup property on a table. Meanwhile this dropdown list has become a common…
As Mark started to set the pace, I am following up on this with my list of small enhancements that could easily be picked up in the next release. Let’s clean up NAV from obsolete remnants. I just call this post #1 even though I am totally unaware how many…