Tag: test-driven development
Test Automation Examples – Example Two and Categories
CODE COMPLETE! Yesss. This was waiting somewhat too long on my desk to be completed, but this morning I finally did: Extended Text on Assembly Documents. This example extends the standard Extended Text feature in Business Central to assembly documents. As with the previous two completed examples (Blocking Deletion of…
Test Automation Examples – Example Three
Test Automation Examples – a GitHub repository
Over almost a decade I have been evangelizing test automation by blogging, presenting at various conferences and webinars, workshops, and, eventually last year, writing a book. People are picking up, but it’s clear there is still “a war to be won”. Testing, more specifically test automation, is too often considered…
A book, conferences and workshops
A book and the things unsaid
Ouch, keep on singing the RED/GREEN/REFACTOR mantra wasn't that easy the last couple of weeks preparing myself on my NAV Development with Team Foundation Server presentation. But that's past now and I can look forward again. I can go ahead again. Nothing to stop me from getting to GREEN … Nothing? Really…
TDD in NAV – Test #4
TDD in NAV – Test #3
Getting our first two tests, test #1 and test #2, working (GREEN! … GREEN! … GREEN!), we successfully implemented the first part of our feature, i.e. the function CalcDocAmount, leaving us now with it's counterpart: the verification of the manually entered total amount of the document (invoice). # Description Status 1a Create…
TDD in NAV – Test #2
Test Automation Examples – Example Two and Categories

CODE COMPLETE! Yesss. This was waiting somewhat too long on my desk to be completed, but this morning I finally did: Extended Text on Assembly Documents. This example extends the standard Extended Text feature in Business Central to assembly documents. As with the previous two completed examples (Blocking Deletion of…
Test Automation Examples – Example Three
Test Automation Examples – a GitHub repository

Over almost a decade I have been evangelizing test automation by blogging, presenting at various conferences and webinars, workshops, and, eventually last year, writing a book. People are picking up, but it’s clear there is still “a war to be won”. Testing, more specifically test automation, is too often considered…
A book, conferences and workshops
A book and the things unsaid

Ouch, keep on singing the RED/GREEN/REFACTOR mantra wasn't that easy the last couple of weeks preparing myself on my NAV Development with Team Foundation Server presentation. But that's past now and I can look forward again. I can go ahead again. Nothing to stop me from getting to GREEN … Nothing? Really…
TDD in NAV – Test #4
TDD in NAV – Test #3

Getting our first two tests, test #1 and test #2, working (GREEN! … GREEN! … GREEN!), we successfully implemented the first part of our feature, i.e. the function CalcDocAmount, leaving us now with it's counterpart: the verification of the manually entered total amount of the document (invoice). # Description Status 1a Create…